“The EasyHIt sight is not just another fiber optic lightstick. It’s design forces the shooter’s head in correct alignment with the sighting planeform and allows anyone to shoot comfortable with both eyes open. The distinct sight picture when firing makes it easy to correct oneself. The EasyHit sighting system is comparable to non !
Look for EasyHit!”
Tom Knapp
I'm right handed and left eye dominant. I was never able to shoot well until I installed your sight. I also put a small piece of scotch tape on the left lens of my glasses to help speed sight acquisition. The sight has been security attached to my 870 for 8 years and I just purchased another EastHit for my new semi-auto shot gun.
Thank you for making a quality product.
Scott Maxwell NC
Dear Kurt, I have been competing for 10 years. After winning both the European and World Championships, I thought I had reached my highest level possible. But last May, Jean-Marc equipped my gun with a luminous foresight. I loved the new look but that was nothing compared to the results I obtained with it : Faster and more accurate sighting, Better control of the clay pigeon trajectory, Easier locating of the gun end, Faster aiming for double shots. I improved my results thanks to the EasyHit luminous foresight. I had several persons try it with always the same conclusions, this is truly unbelievable ! I also equipped the guns for loan at the Antibes Club where I work, and even the beginners find it more comfortable to shoot with. Using the EasyHit luminous foresight has brought me great satisfaction.
Veronique Girardet
Having tried all the other methods to solve my master eye problem I settled on the Easy-Hit foresight as it proved to be an absolute cure for my personal cross-dominant (master) eye problem and allowed full use of my peripheral vision. It may also be the cure for yours!
EasyHit (UK) Ltd Graham Oades UK
Team Canada My team got to a sporting clay shoot. It was a cloudy day that day and everybody was having troubles seeing the clays. Not us though! The EasyHits still glowed bright on the cloudy day and it help the clays stick out of the drab sky better. Thanks again on behalf of the Canadian Youth Hunter Skills Team.
Scott Voisin
Sporting Clays August 2000 "What it did to me was add 'barrel awareness,' but in a good way. I was faster recognizing the sight picture I wanted. I had a better idea of where I needed to be on a bird, a better idea of where I'd left the shot when I missed."
Randy Lawrence Sporting Clay Magazine
If you want to experience precision shooting you need to know why you miss a target. Too often, clay target shooters miss a target and do not know why they miss. I found the 2.5 millimeter size Easy-hit shotgun sight is small enough not to be obstructive, yet bright enough to identify the bird and bead alignment. You will know why you miss a target with the Easy-hit on your gun. You will also know why you hit the target because the bird & bead alignment is so visibly pronounced and recognizable to reinforce dead-on dustballing of clay targets. You will also see an increase of timing the shot with an enhanced control of the gun in the swing to the target. These are some of the reasons why I have recommended the EasyHit shotgun sight in my clay target shooting book, Trap Shooting Secrets.
James Russell Reno NV
Dear Sir/Madam, I'm sending this message to inform you that I was holding the world record in double trap shooting sport from 1994 to 1998 (145/150). Mostly, I've been in the finals. But dark background effects my performance. Finally, I found the excellent bead "EasyHit" which is very consistent with my shooting. In the last world cup competition, I won the 2nd place after the shoot-off with the winner of the 1st place.
Thank you, shot 92x100 this morning using your EasyHit. Best ever before, 85x100. Thank you Mr. Persson.
Bill Whittaker, Santa Maria, CA.
I have found your Red dot bead very helpful, I am 64 years old very much a novice shooter, so any help I can get is welcome.
Noel Slater, Albrighton, UK
I have the beginning of cataracts and the fiberoptic bead most defiinitely helps me and my scores have improved since using it.
Charles Grass, Port St Joe, Fl
I can tell you this on my part my score has increased 90% putting me top in Texas in my division. We still have national to go in July so who knows how that will turn out.
Lance "Diamondbak" Barr Team Regulators, San Antonio, TX
The thing I like about it best is it enables me to sight with both eyes open for a better view. This might be easy for some but I have a tendancy to sight with my left eye on occasion and that can be a problem shooting right handed. Also there is no second thought as to where you are sighting. The laser dot at the end of your barrel lets you know if you are on target or not. It has definitely helped my shooting with trap and sporting clays.
Mel Tuchowski, Quinnesec, MI
Dear Sir; Thanks for replying to my problem with the installation of the fiberoptic sight system. I tried out the sight on my trap shotgun and improved my game by a couple of clay birds. It does help in the mounting of the shotgun to the same place every time and helps to visually see why you miss targets. I am pleased with the sight results in my trap shooting. Thanks
John Huntsinger, Corpus Christi, TX
Dear Maria Thank you and all the good people at Easy Hit Inc. for helping sponsor the San Antonio TX. Youth Hunter Education Challenge Team. I am now using one of the red sights that you sent for us. It works really well. Thank you so much. We are all grateful for all the help we can get. The patches look great on our team vest. I hope you are well. I just wanted you to know that I really like my new sight and that I will definitely recommend it. Sincerely,
Laura Leininger, San Antonio TX
Maria I just wanted to report on the EasyHit sights I got in December. I was amazed how well they worked. I'm cross eyed and have always shot with tape on the left lens of my shooting glasses to overcome the problem. With the EasyHit sight in place all I had to do was look at the target as I swung the shotgun. The gun would line up with my right eye perfectly.
Gary Hodges, Katy TX
Maria, Just a little note to tell you about my skeet shooting with the Easy Hit sight. Because of my eye dominance problem, I was lucky to score 19 or 20 after shooting for 6 months. Now, after shooting with the sight for a few months, I'm scoring 23 to 25 and ready to begin entering tournaments. Thanks for the confidence.
Jeff Nichols, Charlotte NC
I originally bought your sight based on the recommendation of James Russell. With his help and your sight I was able to increase my singles average from 18 to 23 and I'm still improving. I have tried the Hi-Vis, Trueglo and Unidot sights on my guns and none of them work as well as your sight. I can focus directly on the target and still see the sight as I swing on the bird. Another good feature is that the bead sits at the same height as the factory bead so as not to change the point of impact. The sight also looks great on the gun. Any shotgun I buy from now on will have an Easy Hit sight installed right away. I look forward to seeing your ads in some of the shooting sports magazines, you have a great product and it should sell well.
Terry Andersen Union City, CA
I got the sight on friday and it is great. Much nicer than some of the cheaper models out there. The way you have the double sided tape set up (thin on one side and wide on the other) made installation a snap. I highly recommend your product.
Jeff Martin Jefferson PA
I purchased my original Easy Hit fiber optic sight in an effort to correct a small gun mounting problem when trap shooting. I found the bright orange/red bead really stood out in all weather conditions, and I knew that as long as I could see a clean circle I had my gun mounted correctly. There is no doubt that the Easy Hit really improved my accuracy and it makes it so easy to accurately determine the spatial relationship of the barrel to the target. I was so impressed with the Easy Hit that I bought more, and they're used by my wife, two sons and my brother-in-law. If you want an inexpensive, easy to fit way to improve your shooting, then Easy Hit is the only way to go.
Paul Bird Victoria Australia
Since I have owned and used the EasyHit sight. I have consistently hit in the upper 20's with no even trying. I have used the sight at Summer Games in Cedar City Utah each year. I think people get intimidated when they see something on a gun that you normally dont see in stores. It looks awesome on the gun and it does the trick. I tell them to go to the website and get one. Its like cheating or using a laser. My point of impact is very consistent. The red bead is clear and does not cause me to look at the bead instead of the clay. The bead allows me to back-sight well and gets on the clay fast. Since I have put it on the shotgun. The sight stays in place well. I love the EasyHit and don't see why you would improve something as simple and effective and already perfect add-on device. I have tried all kinds of gadgets to improve my scores without trying and I usually get frustrated with all the fiddling around and not to mention low scores in the learning curve. My scores actually went up since I have used the EasyHit. It's sweet and simple and does the trick. Thank You for helping me enjoy my sport that much more.
Todd Tarbet, Layton UT
I am very pleased/impressed with the fiberoptic bead I purchased. It has improved my point and shoot accuracy significantly. I am so impressed with the results that I recently purchased three additional units for myself and my significant other's shotguns. Great device.
Richard Capiola Huntington Beach, CA
Dear Sir, I have purchased 3 of your sights and have truly enjoyed them. There is two reasons which set these sights apart from the rest. The first is that the profile is similar to that of the factory bead in that on my gun, the sight is at the same height as the bead, which is not the case with most other sights. The second feature that I like is that the sight forces me to shoulder the gun properly in order to get a good look at the fiber optics, meaning rolling the gun and not pulling the gun all the way up, is greatly decreased. Keep up the good work. Sincerely
David S. Plotz, Swisher IA
I have (4) four of your Easyhit sights on four different shotguns I have told as many shooter that will listen to me, I know of two who ordered them from you, I like them, don't know what else to say. They do help!!
Wally Denham Vista CA
Actually, I've purchased three EasyHit fiberoptic beads recently. I have one each on my Beretta trap gun combo barrels and they have made quite a difference. For 30 plus years I had been a one-eyed shooter and have tried on occasion to shoot using two eyes. I was in the process of yet another attempt to be a two-eyed shooter when I installed the EasyHit beads. I am happy to report that now, without any other aid such as tape on my non-dominant eye shooting glass lens, I have mastered the technique easily with the assistance of the bright sight that allows me to focus on the target. Needless to say, my trap scores have been rising since. The one deviation I made from the installation instructions is that I used a silicone based glue to attach the sight bead to the rib instead of the double-sided adhesive provided. This was done to maintain a constant point-of-impact as the adhesive was too thick and raised the front sight too much. This process works great as long as the rib and bottom of the sight are both thoroughly cleaned with acetone prior to installation. This removes any oil or grease without leaving any residue to weaken the bond of the glue. Your interest in the real-life experiences with this product is great. I hope I can report many ATA tournament wins in the future using my new EasyHit fiberoptic sights. And, I would be happy to display an EasyHit patch on my shooting vest! Kind regards,
Matthias Staehler Oak Creek WI
Thanks but I already have your fiberoptic bead on all of my shotguns. I recommend it to all of my friends but unfortunately some people view it as a gimmick. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut since when we go shooting the best shooter gets bragging rights. Being an ex-Marine I had been taught to shoot with one eye closed (marksman style) and did not take up shotgun shooting until after I had left the service. I had tried (unsuccessfully) for years to learn to shoot a shotgun with both eyes open. With the installation of the EasyHit bead I was finally successful. The rapid sight picture acquisition coupled with the easy indication if you are off the gun has greatly enhanced my wing shooting abilities. After I saw Tom Knapp shoot at an exhibition and then state that the only modification he had made to his shotgun was the addition of the EasyHit bead I knew I had to try one. When I received your email I decided to provide you a little testimonial regarding your EasyHit bead. I can guarantee you that as I acquire new shotguns in the future, the first thing I will do will be to install the EasyHit bead. I apologize for being little wordy but I wanted to tell you how great I find the EasyHit.
George F. Derrington III
At the 100th Grand I purchased my first Easy Hit. I had no idea that it could solve a problem I had. In fact until I got it installed I didn't know I had the problem.After years of shooting I had grown complacent. I had begun to regard "a trap shoot" as a weekend away. I had begun to enjoy the time spent between events as much as the shooting itself. I thought it was my own personal evolution regarding the game.But then I found EasyHit. From the first shot it changed my attitude about singles. It became a solution to a problem I didn't even know I had.I had slowly over the last five years lost my 'short vision' I had resorted to flipping my glasses off if I wanted to read something. Then I moved on to a pair of bifocals and I could see again. Three pairs of glasses later I had resorted to a progressive lens. But all this time I was shooting with the same old 'far vision' glasses. I had lost what was so important to me, the 'BIRD/BEAD RELATIONSHIP'. The bead was just gone from sight. It was an epiphany, from the very first target I shot I had been given new eyes. The 'BIRD/BEAD RELATIONSHIP' was back. Even when I miss a target I can tell what I had done wrong. The EasyHit has put fun back into shooting for me. It has been a year now and I wouldn't shoot without an EasyHit on my shotgun. I strongly recommend that anyone who lives with bifocals and shoots a shotgun will improve their scores with an EasyHit. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOOK AT YOUR BEAD TO SEE IT"
Best Regards Dr. William Scott
Just wanted to let you know that a few weeks ago I picked up the shooting bead for my shotgun. I'm an avid skeet shooter and attend many shoots here in the Midwest (NE, IA, MO, MI so on). Recently I had been struggling to due to an eye dominance change and so started looking at beads from several vendors. I happened to pickup your bead at Sheels in Omaha and the very next weekend I shot my first ever 100 straight in the 410. I completed the weekend with 2 100's and a great 390 out of 400. This is my highest hoa by several birds in years. I wanted to thank you and let you know that I have recommend this to many people I shoot with. At $27, it really is a bargain and I want to see more people with them on. Anyway, thank you for the system.
Tim Hartzog

NAH Test Report
"North American Hunter's Product Test Report" Approval Rate 93%And we are very proud of the 3.6 score (out a scale of 1-4) for overall performance.Here are some of the reports from the field test group testing the EastHit Sport Shooting Bead (SSB)
Recommended for quick aiming and fast targeting in low light and daylight conditions. I would argue that this product meets or exceeds these requirements.
Mike Arena, Port Arthur, TX
I went to shoot clays with my friends on Saturday 7-1-00. After they found out what kind of sight I was using , everyone of them 6 in all, had to shoot my shotgun and they all loved the EasyHit Sport Shooting Bead. I got very little shots in that evening for myself.
Pat Mattingly, New Hope KY
I would definitely recommend this product. It increased the red visibility at the sight line immensely. The red dot was like having a laser sight.
Earl Hagstrom, Linden MI
I really liked the EasyHit Sport Shooting Bead. It seemed a little expensive compared to other fiberoptic sights. Construction was very good and low to the barrel like your normal bead. Having the fiber optic inside the tube forces you to keep your head on the stock where it belongs.
Thomas F Balzell, Edgerton WI
Increased hits, works GREAT in low light or bright light conditions. A must have for shotgun users. I'm buying one for every shotgun I and my father own.
Daniel D McGarreth, Centerfield UT
I took EasyHit to my gun club to use it for Trap Shooting, First I shot a round (25 clay birds) and broke 19 or 25 without EasyHit. I then mounted EasyHit on my shotgun, and shot another round, I broke a perfect 25 of 25 with the same pump shotgun. I anxiously await the opening of upland bird and duck seasons.
Ronald F May, Las Vegas, NV
I tested this in 2 ways, #1 with me shooting and #2 my son. It took a while to get used to it, but found myself hitting the clays faster and more accurate as time went on. My son has always had a hard time hitting clays but also as time went on he was knocking them out of the sky left and right.
Ronald R Albright, Craig, CO
I highly recommend this product to all members who wish to improve their shotgun shooting. It improved my skeet shooting by 20%. How easy it was to pick up on a target.
Simon Makovec, Ramona KS
It's very bright and easy to see, it forces you to keep your head down and follow through, because if you aren't straight in line it disappears.
Harry S Globstad, SD
I would recommend this product to any shooter who wishes to improve his accuracy, Very easy to attach and very easy to get accustomed to, Great in any light, my accuracy improved by about 10% within minutes.
Don Neely, Pomona CA
Light weight, easy to install, improved shooting, I think it's great.
Mrs. Denise Norton, Calhan CO
I recommend the EasyHit fiberoptic red dot bead to any bird hunter, skeet, trap, sporting clay shooters. You will find it is much easier to line up your target and drop it.
Troy Leitschuck, Sargent NE
Product went on easy enough and it definitely beats a brass bead sight which originally came on the barrel which was inadequate, this product helped acquire the target much better then the original sight witch is a positive additive to any firearm.
V Capaci, Hamburg NJ
I highly recommend this product, It will increase your accuracy, therefore increasing the amount of game, taken safely with the least amount of rounds. The sight is well built and well worth the money.
James Krivachek, Fort Atkinson IA
I noticed improved trigger timing with "EasyHit" you can shoot with both eyes open. Helps allot in low light situations (beads really stands out). I like the fact that it doesn't need an outside power source to operate it, such as batteries.
William P Callwitts, Tunkhannock PA
I put the EasyHit on my 20 gauge and found a great improvement, this sight works very well in all conditions. Brightness in any light and fast and easy to pick up. Can't think of anything that could improve this product.
Jack Swanson, Eugene OR
I would recommend this product it made getting on my targets easier and in poor light condition I could find my target easier and faster.
Michael L Kohlman, Kerkhoven, MN
Much better that the removable sights I have tried before, works well even in low light conditions.
Michael, Fort Carson CO
Dove Season opened Sep 1st, In Texas and this past weekend I tried out the EasyHit Sport Shooting Bead. I was impressed with the ease of installation and the brightness of the bead. I believe it helped my shooting. I got my limit three of the four times that I hunted. I am looking forward to trying it at skeet.
Clovis Carpenter, Austin TX
The shooting bead improved my shooting 20% so I would recommend to others. It looks clean mounted on the rib of the gun and improved my accuracy, what else can a shooter ask for.
Troy Good, Mc Kenna WA
I would recommend this product to anybody who shoots a shotgun, I am very impressed.
David Ertl, Medford WI
Used it on my spring turkey, Also used it on my fall deer gun hunt. The bead seemed to jump out at me every time I sighted down the barrel. I got a nice buck during the last minutes of the day. I just set the bead on the target and boom.
Brent Stewart, Durand WI
Highly recommend sight. Sight acquisition is easier and faster. With aging (48) it is faster to acquire in both light and dim light. Took no more than 5 minutes to install, made a full pattern test before and after installation and there was no change in point of impact.
Pat Povah, W Yellostone MT
I would recommend it to anyone who owns a shotgun. I have always been an accurate shooter with a shotgun as a hunter and trapshooter. But the EasyHit sight allowed me to do something I've never before done. I shot accurately with both eyes open. Just as the manufacturer claimed.
Daryl Clair, Jeanette PA